Welcome to FrontAccounting - Al McZeal's Modified Version

Welcome to our Web Site. Our speciality is Accounting systems for small companies and our popular web based FrontAccounting is a simple, but powerful, system for the entire ERP chain and covers:


The databases can be placed anywhere in the world and can be reached from everywhere.

FrontAccounting is and released under the GNU General Public License.  This modified version is NOT Free,but still issued under the GNU Public license.  All Rights under the modified version are protected under copyright laws of the United States.


This is programmer's Al McZeal licensed version and has been modified

Journal Entry

An intuitive registration form, Journal Entry, can be used to enter specific transactions. You can use up to two dimensions per transaction to keep track of e.g. cost centres, departments, projects or whatever you define it to be. Every transaction line can have its own memo, as well as the complete voucher. At every time a Jornal Entry is in balance, it can be saved. 

Intelligent Journal Entry. The chart of accounts follow your keyboard entries