WORLD WIDE WALKIE TALKIE |  633 W. Fifth St.26th & 28 Floors | Los Angeles, Ca. | 90071 | Tel: 1-888-833-2459 WORLD WIDE WALKIE TALKIE Sky Networks
Possessing an extensive satellite fleet, WWWT is one of the world's most flexible and competitive VSAT services provider. With satellite coverage stretching from the Americas to the Pacific, our core business is to serve users for VSAT Internet Access, integrated business network solutions and turn-key projects.provides two way satellite Internet access services (sometimes referred as 2 way satellite internet worldwide) with global coverage of the entire Eastern Hemisphere of our planet, and recently expanded to Americas via Telesat Telstar-12 PanAm Ku-Band beam.
VSAT Internet Access
iDirect VSAT services offer a unique combination of shared and dedicated bandwidth to support voice, data and video applications; enterprise networks; distance learning; disaster recovery; e-Commerce; ISP and internet café businesses; military, government and mission-critical applications. Backed by BusinessCom SLA, our iDirect- enabled VSAT satellite services offer guaranteed quality of service with more than 98.2% annual network uptime. Our VSAT services packages start at 512/64 kbit/s Rx and go up to 6/1 Mbit/s with customizable BIR to CIR ratios and individual QoS setup per each remote. In 2007, WWWT extended its iDirect VSAT networking coverage with the Pan American beam of Telesat Telstar-12 satellite providing coverage to South American countries such as Brazil, Argentina and Chile. WWWT also offers iDirect VNO (Virtual Network Operator) and Private VSAT Network Services, based on Infiniti and Evolution X3 platforms. Our VSAT internet systems fit organisations of all sizes so there is always a VSAT internet system to suit your requirements.
WORLD WIDE WALKIE TALKIE® Dedicated Backbone Connectivity VSAT satellite is a highly redundant VSAT internet networks communication solution primarily designed for VoIP and video conferencing carriers or metropolitan, regional and global ISP businesses - terrestrial, hot spots, wireless and WAN networks. Dedicated Backbone Connectivity services support IP-enabled applications including FTP extensive data transfer, secure voice and video, accelerated and encrypted VPN, CITRIX and others with guaranteed QoS.
Dedicated Backbone Connectivity