The "Related Applications Tab" on the patent information window contains two fields: Related Applications and Additional Statements.
If you or someone else previously filed a patent application that relates to the subject matter of your new or present application you must identify it in the first part of your present patent application. This includes both pending and issued patents. Be sure to use the "Background Tab" as well to provide specifics regarding patents issued to other inventors.
If this is the first patent application, provisional or full, non-provisional utility application that you are filing on this invention and there are no existing patents containing related subject matter, do not enter information on this Tab. Simply move on to the next Tab.
Related Applications
Add related application references to your patent application by clicking on the "Add" button. A sub-window for gathering specific information will be displayed. A related application reference can be removed by highlighting the specific reference then clicking on "Remove". The up and down arrows allow you to move a related application reference, once highlighted, up or down along the list of related applications, if there are more than one.
Of course, multiple related application references may be specified as required.
It is important to note that referencing your previously filed patent application allows you to claim the priority date (the date that your first patent application was filed). That way, no other party can usurp your rights in your present application by asserting intervening rights, between the filing date of your earlier application and your present one. Of course, this procedure of getting the benefit of your earlier filing date works only for subject matter that you included in your earlier application.
If you have a pending patent application and it relates to your present application, you should also send the PTO a copy of the first one in the same envelope as your present application. Label it in pen, "Related Application" for the convenience of the patent examiner and so that the mailroom at the PTO treats it appropriately.
Additional Statements
The "Additional Statements" field should be left blank unless you are instructed by a patent professional to include specific information.
World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie(tm) - Online Utilty Patent Application
Online Patent Generator & Management System - by Al McZeal